-Albert Einstein
I love to look up the stars at nighttime. It's one on my favorite things to do. I love to look through the sky and see how many constellations that I can find and name. It's mind boggling to imagine that that simple starry night sky is just one of thousands, but that's exactly what it is. Our universe is only a small speck in a whole bigger platform of specks, and that there is a chance that we aren't the only forms of life out there.
In case you haven't heard the Hubble telescope just turned 25. That's pretty amazing. Over it's 25 years a whole lot of different pictures have come out of the Hubble telescope. They are works of art, and it's nice to see real works of art that are all natural.
Pictured below is one of my favorites...
This is the NGC 2074. Hubble documents it as a firestorm of raw stellar creation triggered by a nearby supernova. These natural colors are just striking. Plus what's more is that there are a hundred of pictures like this that show the natural beauty of the universe.
Moving on, recently we at, The Galactic Public Archives, were able to sit down and visit with renowned astrophysicist Dr. Mario Livio, who works at The Space Telescope Science Institute. Check out his blog here...Mario Livio.
In the interview Dr. Mario Livio talks about man's natural curiosity of our meaning in the universe and the link between science and art.
Watch the video below...
The questions and thoughts that Dr. Mario Livio poses in the video are thought provoking and are strong enough to re-question certain beliefs and thoughts about the universe and life in general.
How about you? Let us know what you think.
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