Monday, June 15, 2015

Rethinking Relationships

“The best feeling in the world is knowing that you actually mean something to someone.”

Relationships are special.  Relationships are meant to mean something worthwhile.  What do you look for in a relationship?  Do you look for someone who will be there for you regardless of the situation or are you looking for someone just so that they are able to provide companionship?  Regardless of what you are looking for in a relationship it’s safe to say that everyone yearns for that certain connection.

Diving into the brain of Esther Perel, in our newest video Couples, Culture and Sexuality, Esther Perel explains how she is starting to see different viewpoints in regards to how we are now starting to view relationships. 

We begin to shift away from what culture dictates as normal and Esther Perel can see that because of this shift in turning away from what we consider normal and are looking beyond then it shows what we as a society truly value.  The real question then is how are we working to join these two different views together so that they can function coherently.  

Esther Perel argues that how we connect gives a glimpse into what our society values.  Often more times then not when thoughts are directed to the future, its always mostly about technology, but what if instead of technology we thought of relationships.  I have to wonder though, if that will end up being true.  Sure, some might think that the future is really all about our relationships but when I see how much power technology has over us…I can’t help but disagree.  In the modern world today it’s a cinch to get what you want whenever you want it.  People are interacting more and more with others through the use of technology more then ever before, in fact almost every time I go out one more person is on their phone somehow interacting with someone else.

So then, can we still have that special connection if we’ve lost that face-to-face interaction?  


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