Monday, July 6, 2015

What is the future of Education?

The big question today regarding education in America is this:  when students finish their education are they really prepared enough?  Statistics pulled from The Board Foundation state that by the time a person graduates from college, they may lack basic knowledge and applied skills.  They also state that only one in four high school students will graduate ready for college in all four core subjects, and that less then half (about 46%) will finish college.  

All in all what has been put forth is alarming to say the least.  Where will that leave us in the future?  Should we put more effort into teaching or should we concentrate on helping them learn how to think?

As someone who is striving to get a Master’s degree, I can’t help but think how my education will affect how my future goes.  I ask the same questions.  Will I be able to land a job with the knowledge and skills that I have?  Will I be seen as having enough experience?  Do I have what it takes to make my way up the ladder?  It’s been said that what people value in an employee is someone who has experience rather then knowledge, and I believe that’s true.  However what needs to be done now is figure out how to fix this problem before it becomes too much of a hassle to fix. 

If we can’t produce the knowledge and skills that are needed to have a basic job, then where will we be in the future?

This GPA video is an interview with Dr. Woodie Flowers, professor emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He describes that the way to propel education into the future is not to train professionals but to teach them how to think.  

Do you agree?  What are your thoughts on the future of education?


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