Monday, May 4, 2015

The Brain and the Future

Question: What is self?

The “self” is considered the subject of one’s own experience of perception, thoughts, and emotions.  What can be seen as the “object” of our self?  What controls our “self”? 

Simple…the brain.

Catherine Malabu in her book, What Should We Do With Our Brains, gives a roadmap of the process that takes place within the brain, coverted to a simple summary from the description that is given by Marc Jeannerod in his book Le Cervau InTime. 
the non conscious neural signaling of an individual organism begets the proto-self, which permits core self and core consciousness, which allow for an autobiographical self, which permits extended consciousness.”

The brain is an integral part of the body system.  It controls not only our outer body, but also controls what goes on in the inside.  Without your brain, your simply…dead. 

Or are you?

There is a movement that is becoming more and more popular known as Transhumanism, which works to transform the human condition using new technology to enhance human intellectual, physical and psychological capacities.  One of the foremost leaders in Transhumanism is FM-2030, died and who placed his body in cryonic suspension, so that he could be revived at a later date.  Below is an interview with FM-2030…

What does this have to do with the brain?

Due to the cryonic suspension the idea that FM-2030 has, is to take his brain and be able to upload it in a way that he will be able to in a sense live again.  Dr. Ken Hayworth discusses where the brain is going in a series of interviews such as being able to virtually upload your brain into a computer. 

Is this the future of the brain?  If so...would you be willing to live your life as a virtual being?  Would you consider the pros/cons that can happen by handing over your life to that of technology?  

Let us know what you think.


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